its had been 3 night straight that i'd slept late. late in the morning. just cant shut my eyes off. thanx to RARA (SHE named it toshtosh) im an online junkie now. but i will always love it. it completes my day now. muah to RARA.
usually morning gave u lots of benefits. it gave me ideas. im more emotional during this period of time. so, it does help me reminiscing those beautiful memories. those heartbreaks. those love. those things that can really gave me things to think about. sometimes it gave me thunder that strikes to my heart. and yes it do make me want to cry. but i didnt. what is the point of crying over a spilt milk? but those memories really help me to grow older and more rational.
being the big n less hot person does help me in not finding my other half during the school years. im not hot, not skinny, not popular and im not that talkative. so i would not be the 1st choice for girls to walk beside them and hold hands and stuff. but it kinda cool to me as im more to friends during the school years plus i was in the all-boys school so its kinda hard to tackle girls and basically the six former girls in my school became the prey of our guy adrenaline rush. seriously. haha. pity them.
my heart tumbled when i remembered back those old times. i buzz this person on YM and we got closed after that.she called me every single night. and usually we talked till late. we would not stop talking on the phone till my phone battery is low. sometimes it takes hour. and indeed its sooooooooo cool! but we did not last longer. and im kinda guilty as she was still on her relationship with her BF when im with her back then. we did not talk since then. even sms nor comment on facebook. but one day she called me. and i was so surprised and acted like i do not know her. what a dumb i was. but its ok. i did not want to ruin whatever i had now.
right now i got a girl by my side. the girl that truely love me because of who i am. a girl that very opposite of me. i love her. try my best to make her life meaningless. try my best not to neglect her. try my best to be there when she needs me. try my best on staying true to myself and be the best guy she ever love.
wish me luck!
Mr. syAEr_dEAn
p/s: "xsmpt pgang tosh2" she texted me that. she is soooo funny!!!
aku pon x sempat nak merasa toshtosh