aahhhh... new semester just started n im very thrilled to meet all of my frens... very thrilled!! diz sems is jus great bcoz us the students of sem 3 will combined class with the students from the masscomm course of UiTM melaka... but from wat can i see the old bach r still da best... we r more havoc... to say the least... heheh... erm btw im not driving my CLK to faculty... diz is bcoz the students need to park their vehicles at the padang kawad due to obsessive amount of cars drove by students that makes the staffs of UiTM lost their parking spot... so im saving the money n at the same time cares for the environment bcoz less carbon monoxide will be produce... heheh....
Mr. syAEr_dEAn
p/s: not feeling very well lately... it will be lovely if SHE can be at my side as i healing...
lu study mana bro?