YESS!!! at last i got da longest sleep in this entire week... arghh... but still i woke up early today.. around 9.30... SHOT!!!! but at least i can do lots during my sober time... ahahahah... i planned to cook today... hehehe... spageti... my favourite meal ever... i dont mind if i have spageti every meal time... i cook spageti by my own.. i was DELICIOUS as usual... muahahahah...
at first my intention to go to da faculty to meet sarah to discus bout our INTER-RACE... but sadly she got klas till very moment wen i went 4 da MASSA meeting... so i went to UiTM's vehicles department to book da bus to take us to a foster home in sekichan... then i got a sms from UCOP who told me dat his clas was cancelled... YEAH!!!!
actually... my ouzmate n i had discus bout goin out today... da 1st plan was to go to JUSCO bkit tggi in klang.. but bcoz of da extra time we had we changed da plan n went to One Utama... hahahah... i had a blast wen we were in OU... yes at first i felt a bit tired... maybe bcoz of da traffic n stuff... or probably CAR-lag... hahahah... but soon as i developed this idea... my brain started to work again... i rily wana have this brand... since i was introduced to it by AMIN.... n gladly i bought da tee... it was ARMANI EXCHANGE.... n got 10% discount... at first i got this various comment bout this tee but at last i found my fav n it been approved by mui fwes... n not 2 forget AMM, UCOPn AMEER(nubhan) also soping SAKAN!!! actually they got this AGM so they rily want to luk nice... hahhah... VOUGE sgt!!!
well... I didnt received any sms or call by HER today... maybe she sulking with me... BABE im sori... i havent topup yet... my financial kinda like not in gud condition... n my dad 4got to topup my hp.... sowiii......... stil i mis ya......
Mr. syAEr dEAn
p/s: naz rily asked me to lpak with her... it seems like she got sumting important to discus about... hmmm i wonder wat it is... n Aidil... nxt time bebeh.... hahaha... kaorg ltih td... sowiii....
over the top la....she tu kan ialah aizat mazni budak publishing part 2.hheheheh.jhat aku.sory syahir